Friday, November 16, 2012

Billy's Song

Billy is a song from Adventure Time cartoon series Season 1 in the episode His Hero, sung as a theme for when Finn and Jake find the sword of Billy, their hero! It's like a theme for Billy and we can hear most of his special adventures :D Here is Billy's lyrics:
Who's the greatest warrior ever?
A hero of renown?
Who slayed an Evil Ocean?
Who cast the Lich King down?
And that time the evil Fire Count
Captured a damsel fair.
Who saved her with such brav'ry
She offered him her hair?
Also... he fought a bear!

Adventure Time Song: Billy, video from Youtube:


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About this blog:

Hi! I'm an italian guy (Luca on Google+) that really loves Adventure Time, this is just a fan-blog to archive all the songs and music from this cartoon :) I'll try to update this as often as possible, all the videos are from Youtube, i did not upload them, so if any video does not work anymore, just leave a reply and i'll change it ASAP! Obviously all the content, images, music and videos from Adventure Time belongs to Cartoon Network and Pen Ward!