Monday, December 3, 2012

Apple Pie Song

Everyone loves apple pie! This song is titled Apple Pie and Finn, Jake and Tree Trunks listen to this super-short music when they are going home while escaping the Crystal Dimension, in episode Crystals Have Power from Adventure Time Season 2. Here is Apple Pie's lyrics:
Apple pie in the oven,
Tell me you can taste lovin' 

Adventure Time: Apple Pie Song, video from Youtube:


  1. Whoa. Easily one of the trippiest songs they ever written in Adventure Time.

  2. I agree. I like this song - its weird but cool

  3. Indeed! Tree Trunks's Apple Pie is so good it makes everything else taste boring :D


About this blog:

Hi! I'm an italian guy (Luca on Google+) that really loves Adventure Time, this is just a fan-blog to archive all the songs and music from this cartoon :) I'll try to update this as often as possible, all the videos are from Youtube, i did not upload them, so if any video does not work anymore, just leave a reply and i'll change it ASAP! Obviously all the content, images, music and videos from Adventure Time belongs to Cartoon Network and Pen Ward!