Sunday, December 16, 2012

Computer Song

Everyone loves chiptunes! In the episode  Guardians of Sunshine from Adventure Time Season 2, Finn and Jake enter in BMO's videogame and while they are digitalized, they sing this nice 8-bit style Computer Song :D Here are Computer Song's lyrics:
Finn: We are in the computer world.
We're computer boys, not computer girls.
Jake: In a game, I can be who I virtually am.
Finn: I can walk and sing, I can kill Silly Sam.  

Adventure Time: Computer Song, video from Youtube:

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Lucky Ones Song

The Lucky Ones is a song by Bob and Ethel Rainicorn, the parents of Lady Rainicorns!  This song is played in Adventure Time Season 2, in the episode "Her Parents" when they discover that Jake is a dog and they are super happy about it :D Here are The Lucky Ones's lyrics:
Oh, Today is a happy day.
Hip, hip, hooray.
Today is the day.
This dude is a super guy.
Oh, me. Oh, my.
A super guy.
We are the lucky ones.
Son of a gun, the lucky ones.
The lucky, lucky ones. 

Adventure Time: The Lucky Ones Song, video from Youtube:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Decorating Song

Decorating Song is played by Finn and Jake in Adventure Time Season 2, in the episode "Her Parents", when Jake tries to look like a Rainicorn because of Lady Rainicorn's parent. Here are Decorating Song's lyrics:
Finn and Jake: Ketchup! Mustard! Red and yellow!
Jake: Lady's parents, I say hello!
I'm the fellow for your daughter
Please forget the wartime slaughter!
Home improvement, decorations.
Help me impress her relations.
Finn: Sugar bears, and rainbow jelly.
Jake: Spread those colors on my belly!
Finn: On the floor and up the log.
Jake: Please don't notice I'm a dog!

Adventure Time: Apple Decorating Song, video from Youtube:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Apple Pie Song

Everyone loves apple pie! This song is titled Apple Pie and Finn, Jake and Tree Trunks listen to this super-short music when they are going home while escaping the Crystal Dimension, in episode Crystals Have Power from Adventure Time Season 2. Here is Apple Pie's lyrics:
Apple pie in the oven,
Tell me you can taste lovin' 

Adventure Time: Apple Pie Song, video from Youtube:

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Where Is Finn?

Finn is missing! The evil gnomes have kidnapped him :( Now Jake and BMO sing this song, titled "Where is Finn?" in Power Animal episode from Adventure Time Season 2! Here is Where is Finn?'s lyrics:
Jake: Where... is... Finn?
Is he in the kitchen?
BMO: Does he have a pumpkin?
Bima-tima tin tin!
Jake: Dooba-dooba dumplin'!
BMO: Poopy-doopy pie tin!
Jake: Monkey watermelon!  

Adventure Time, Finn The Blushing Baby Song, video from Youtube:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Finn The Blushing Baby

Another song from in Adventure Time Season 2, in the episode "Blood Under the Skin". This is Finn The Blushing Baby, a song played by a lyre player to Finn the human (obviously!) to make fun of him. Here is Finn The Blushing Baby's lyrics:
He's Finn the blushing baby,
His cheeks are bright and red!
Be sure to make fun of him
Before you go to bed!

Adventure Time, Finn The Blushing Baby Song, video from Youtube:

About this blog:

Hi! I'm an italian guy (Luca on Google+) that really loves Adventure Time, this is just a fan-blog to archive all the songs and music from this cartoon :) I'll try to update this as often as possible, all the videos are from Youtube, i did not upload them, so if any video does not work anymore, just leave a reply and i'll change it ASAP! Obviously all the content, images, music and videos from Adventure Time belongs to Cartoon Network and Pen Ward!